Using Markdown for posts

Learn how to use markdown on your blog post.

WARNING: When writing or editing a blog post, you will not be able to preview the Markdown formatting before publishing. To see how the post will look, you will need to publish it first.


Replace image alt text with your image name and for image path, you'll have to use a website to upload your image on such as Imgur.

![Image alt text](image path)
 [Link name](https://replace_with_your_link)


# Heading 1
# Heading 2
# Heading 3

Table Formatting

| Syntax | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| Header | Title |
| Paragraph | Text |

Bold Text

**Your Bold Text**

Italics Text

**Your Italics Text**


~~The world is flat.~~

Highlight a word

I need to `highlight` this as an important word 


> Some text goes here

Nested Blockqoutes

> Some text goes here.
>> Another bit of text goes here

Blockqoutes with other elements

> #### Title
> - Point.
> - Point.
>  **Your bold text goes here** and resume with normal text

Fenced Code Blocks

  "firstName": "First Name",
  "lastName": "Last Name",
  "age": 25

Syntax Highlighting

  "firstName": "First Name",
  "lastName": "Last Name",
  "age": 25

Not all will be available here but we recommend you refer to markdown guide (note: not everything from that site will work for markdown).

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Last updated