Using Markdown for posts

Learn how to use markdown for your posts.

NOTICE: You can't preview Markdown formatting before publishing. To view it, publish the post or save it as a draft.


Replace image alt text with your image name and for image path, you'll have to use a website to upload your image on such as Imgur.

![Image alt text](image path)
 [Link name](https://replace_with_your_link)

This is an alternative because it'll automatically convert into a link.


# Heading level 1	
## Heading level 2	
### Heading level 3	
#### Heading level 4	
##### Heading level 5
###### Heading level 6

Table Formatting

| Syntax | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| Header | Title |
| Paragraph | Text |

Bold Text

**Your Bold Text**

Italics Text

*Your Italics Text*


~~The world is flat.~~

Highlight a word

I need to `highlight` this as an important word 


> Some text goes here

Nested Blockqoutes

> Some text goes here.
>> Another bit of text goes here

Blockqoutes with other elements

> #### Title
> - Point.
> - Point.
>  **Your bold text goes here** and resume with normal text

Fenced Code Blocks

  "firstName": "First Name",
  "lastName": "Last Name",
  "age": 25

Syntax Highlighting

  "firstName": "First Name",
  "lastName": "Last Name",
  "age": 25

Not all are stated here, but we recommend you refer to markdown guide. Bear in mind that not everything will work from that source.

© CreatorYo Creations 2024-2025

Last updated